Discover the Power of Love Within

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In our journey through life, we often find ourselves battling against perceived obstacles, thinking we must fight to overcome them. Yet, I’ve come to realize that this very effort of resistance can sometimes build up these challenges as antagonists in our minds, making them appear larger and more formidable than they truly are. Instead, what if we approached these moments with simplicity, embracing what comes with our highest point of perception? By doing so, we align ourselves with a more peaceful and empowered state of being.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that Love is something external, something that surrounds us. But this perspective creates a sense of duality—me and Love, as if they are separate entities. In truth, Love is not something outside of us; it is the very essence of who we are. Love constitutes itself as all that is true of us. When we recognize this oneness, we begin to understand the profound connection between Principle and its idea, as articulated in the Science and Health (S&H 465:17).

This realization shifts our understanding of goodness as well. We often think of good as something that emerges from specific circumstances or actions, as if it is a product of certain conditions. But the deeper truth is that good *is*—it is the inherent nature of whatever the something seems to be. When we embrace this understanding, we no longer see good as something we must chase or cultivate. Instead, we recognize that good is already present, already part of the fabric of our existence.

By letting go of the need to fight against perceived challenges and instead embracing them with love and simplicity, we transform our experience. We move from a state of resistance to one of acceptance, allowing us to see the inherent good in every situation. This doesn’t mean we ignore challenges or pretend they don’t exist; rather, it means we approach them with the understanding that they do not define us, nor do they hold power over us.

This shift in perception allows us to navigate life with greater ease and grace. We stop seeing ourselves as separate from the Love that constitutes us and begin to live from a place of unity and wholeness. As we do this, we find that the very challenges we once saw as antagonists become opportunities for growth and understanding.

In embracing this oneness with Love, we align ourselves with the divine Principle that governs all. We move beyond duality and step into the fullness of our being, where good is not something to be sought after, but something that is inherently present in every moment. This is the truth that liberates us from the need to fight and instead invites us to simply be.

Thank you for sharing this journey with me. I love you deeply, for in Truth we are old friends. We are One.

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