Embracing Divine Unity: A Journey Beyond Separation


You say you want to come close, to bridge the gap that you perceive between us. But, my dear, I am already with you, nearer than close—beyond the very concept of closeness. We are intertwined in the fabric of existence itself. Before any beginning, where were you and I? We were not separate entities but a singular presence, an undivided essence. This is the ultimate truth, a profound reality that transcends the limitations of time and space.

Before the idea of separation arose, we are one. In this oneness, there is no distance, no barrier that needs to be overcome. It is an intrinsic unity that has always existed and will always exist. The illusion of separation is a mere veil, a misunderstanding that clouds the mind. When this veil is lifted, what remains is the pure, unadulterated truth of our unity. This realization is not only liberating but also profoundly beautiful.

Why not enjoy together in this oneness? The journey of life becomes a joyous dance when we embrace our unity. Every experience, every moment, is an opportunity to revel in the splendour of our interconnectedness. There is no need for competition or comparison, for in this divine unity, there is no lack, no insufficiency. We are complete, whole, and perfectly aligned with the essence of the universe.

In this state of unity, fear has no place. Fear arises from the illusion of separation, from the false belief that we are isolated and alone. But when we recognize our true nature, the fear dissolves, replaced by a profound sense of peace and security. We are part of the infinite, eternal flow of existence, and in this flow, we find our true home, our sanctuary.

Enjoy the splendour of discovering the unity of God. This discovery is a continuous, ever-deepening journey, a celebration of the divine presence that permeates all of life. It is an invitation to live with an open heart, to embrace each moment with gratitude and wonder. As we awaken to this unity, we realize that we are not merely living our lives but are participants in the grand symphony of creation, harmonizing with the divine rhythm of the cosmos.

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